Pregnancy test
Babyplan Pregnancy Test – Midstream
Pregnancy test which is very easy and hygienic to use. Safe and accurate result.
Babyplan Pregnancy Test Strip
Easy to use, reliable and safe pregnancy test. One of the cheapest options on the market.
Babyplan Early Pregnancy Test – Strip
The pregnancy test with a high sensitivity which you can test earlier than other tests.
Babyplan Early Pregnancy Test – Midstream
Pregnancy test which is very easy and hygienic to use. Early result.
Ovulation test & Test kits
Babyplan Ovulation test – Strip
Easy, safe and accurate ovulation test, one of the cheapest option on the market.
Babyplan Ovulation Test – Midstream
Ovulation test which is very easy and hygienic to use. Safe and accurate result.
Babyplan Strip Test kit – 3 months
Test Kit includes a pregnancy test, ovulation test and folic acid in one box for a cheaper price.
Babyplan Midstream Test kit – 2 months
Test Kit includes a pregnancy test, ovulation test and folic acid in one box for a cheaper price.
Other fertility products
Babyplan Fertility Gel
Fertility-friendly lube for couples trying to conceive. The lubricant improves the motility of the sperm, and creates the right environment for the survival of the sperm.
Pregnancy and ovulation test start calculator
Physical Pregnancy Calculator and Ovulation Test Calculator in one Babyplan has made…
Babyplan Herbal Fertility Programme
A natural and effective fertility program that builds on the classic Chinese…
Babyplan Folic acid
Folic acid is a vitamin B, which is absolutely natural and recommended for the pregnancy planning.
Fetal Doppler & other
Babyplan Ultrasound Monitor
Listen and record your unborn baby’s heartbeat in the comfort of your home with our Babyplan Pocket Fetal Doppler.
Babyplan Ultrasound Gel
Use Ultrasound to hear a heartbeat of your unborn child through Ultrasound Monitor.
Babyplan Collection Cup
Reusable foldable silicone urine collection cup For use when collecting a urine…