Physical Pregnancy Calculator and Ovulation Test Calculator in one
Babyplan has made it easy and simple for you to calculate your due date and ovulation test start. The due date calculator and the ovulation test calculator are a physical wheel in plastic that you may have seen at the midwife or doctor. Babyplans calculator is a tool that makes it easy for you to keep track of when you should start with ovulation tests and calculation of your due date.
How to calculate your ovulation test start
If you are trying to conceive, it is essential that you know when you are ovulating. This is because it is during this short period around ovulation that you have the greatest chance of getting pregnant. With Babyplan’s ovulation test calculator, you can easily and smartly find out the period and when you should start using ovulation tests.
The ovulation test calculator is based on the length of your cycle and when the first day of your last period occurred. Based on this, the calculator gives you a clear indication of the exact day you should start using ovulation tests. After this, the ovulation tests will indicate when in the period your ovulation is expected to occur.
Once you have become pregnant, you can also find your due date with the calculator. The date you are set to give birth. You can also use the due date calculator before your pregnancy to create a picture of a possible term and the period in which you will be pregnant.
The Babyplan calculator is based on the first day of your last period when your due date is to be determined.